EXciting Times for TLC

The last 4 months have been extremely busy for The Leisure Consultancy with a range of interesting and challenging projects. The year started with a commission from the Drum Arts Centre in Birmingham to prepare a market testing report on the Business case they prepared to secure Arts Council England funding for capital investment - we await the outcome with interest.
January also brought a further commission from Stockport Council reviewing the re-provision of a leisure centre based on its current performance and market need.
Still working in the Sports and Commercial Leisure sector we were commissioned by developers Grosvenor & Wrenbridge to prepare a business plan for a new Community Stadium and Sports Village in Cambridge - an extremely exciting development that will change the face of sporting development in Cambridge
Finally, and turning to the visitor centre market, we were appointed as part of the ARUP team by the Environment Agency Wales, to review the potential of a visitor /education centre linked to a proposed new salmon hatchery in North Wales

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