Sport, Health & Recreation

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Sport, Health & Recreation

Sport, Health & Recreation

Sport makes a significant contribution to the UK Economy evidenced by statistics published by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. These data estimate that the sports sector contributed £18.1bn to the economy in 2022, representing 0.8% of total economic activity and supporting approximately 550,000 jobs.

Looking wider at the sport and physical activity market, data from Sport England suggest that this sector contributes £39bn to the UK's economy and a sginificant portion of this comes from grassroots sport: eg the many millions of people who buy trainers, bikes, gym memberships or pay match fees.

Additionally, the sector's contribution to health cannot be underestimated - reducing the risk of a range of chronic conditions including coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity and mental health, but also combating the costs of health treatment. Its contribution to social issues, helping to reduce crime, enhance social activity and strengthen social networks needs also to be highlighted (source:sportengland).With this forming the background it is understandable why this sector forms an important part of the development mix. Health and wellbeing therefore remains integral to much of our portfolio of experience including concept review, business planning feasibility studies, organisational reviews and strategic appraisals.

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