Peak District National Park Commisions TLC

Peak District National Park Commisions TLC

The growth of cycling has been recognised by the Peak District National Park Authority in their commissioning a strategic review of their leisure & cycle trails.

Optimising the potential of the trails thereby increasing use, extending dwell time, enhancing the overall products and services and improving the financial performances were key to this study.

Atkins and The Leisure Consultancy combined their experience to: review the quality of the trails and services offered; consider the access arrangements and linkages; review usage,  average spend and overall economic performance, the findings of which culminated in an Options Appraisal.

Accepting the fact that many agencies and public sector bodies are experiencing a challenging time financially, the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) has recognised the major benefits of investing in the future of their cycle and leisure trails and are now in the process of discussing with the consultant team, the next steps for delivering change.

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